
The Secretary General (SG) is the chief administrator of the Senate of Somalia Federal Parliament. The SG is assisted by Deputy Secretary General of the house.

Functions of the Upper House Secretariat

  1. The Secretariat conducts legal, organisational, analytical, information and logistics support of the activities of the House.

  2. leads the recruitment and management of the relevant professionals to support the functions of the upper house

  3. Provides secretarial assistance and support to the effective functioning of the Senate

  4. Advise the Senate on policies and regulations development and review.

  5. provide services and facilities to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of upper house

  6. Undertakes singly or jointly with other relevant institutions in FGS programmes to promote the ideals of federal democracy;

  7. Support the upper house proceedings by providing relevant, professional Services and document them for future reference.

  8. Oversees all the operations of the upper house including employees and formulates plans, policies and programs aimed at professionalizing the operations of the upper house.

House Departments:

The following are the department of Somali Senate:

  1. Directorate of Finance, Administration and Human Recourses

  2. Directorate of Plenary, Committees and Protocols

  3. Directorate of Legal Services and Archives

  4. Directorate of Planning and ICT

  5. Directorate of Coordination and Liaison Affairs

Core Values

The core values of Upper House in Federal Government of Somalia include;

  1. Integrity & professionalism

  2. Innovation and Creativity

  3. Transparency & honesty

  4. Patriotism & respect for humanity

  5. Teamwork

  6. Good Governance

  7. Resourcefulnes

The Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia represents the Federal Member States, with legislative powers, oversight of the federal system, and monitoring of government activities, as stated in the Provisional Constitution.

 Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia

Saturday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Federal Parliament of Somalia The Upper House© 2024