the procedure the council goes through the country’s legislation

The Upper House is one of the two chambers that have the power to legislate in Somalia, according to Article 55 of the Transitional Constitution.

The rules approved by the Upper House go through different stages such as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings.

In the 1st reading, each law is read before the council by the person who created it, the Chairman of the Assembly will hand over a written letter to the Committee concerned with the law.

In the 2nd reading, the bill will be submitted to the House along with a report on the amendments made by the Committee, so that the House can discuss the amendment.

In the 3rd reading, it is also submitted to the Assembly by the same Committee along with the correction made by the Committee on the law after the second reading.

Then, the council approves, submitting it to the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and issuing it in the Official Gazette of FGS.

Magaca SharcigaMarxaladdaTaariikh
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Sharciga Odoroska Miisaaniyadda Qaranka ee 2022- 023MS30/06/2022
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Sharciga Dhowrista Xogta Dadweynaha.MS20/03/2023
Sharciga Hormarinta iyo Maareynta Kulluumeysiga Soomaaliyeed.MS20/03/2023
Sharciga Ilaalinta iyo Maareynta DeegaankaMS13/02/2024
Sharciga Xafiiska Hantidhawrka Guud ee JFSMS10/02/2024
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Sharciga Hawlgabka iyo Liiltirka Shaqaalaha Rayidka ee Dowladda.MS13/02/2024
Hindise Sharciyeedka Tacliinta SareMS04/12/2024
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Xeerka Dhisidda Guddiga Madaxabannaan ee Doorashooyin ka iyo SoohdimahaMS21/11/2024
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The Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia represents the Federal Member States, with legislative powers, oversight of the federal system, and monitoring of government activities, as stated in the Provisional Constitution.

 Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia

Saturday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Federal Parliament of Somalia The Upper House© 2024