Committtee for Ecconomy, Finanace, ‎commerce,Trade,Industry,Telecommunication and Tourism

The duties of the Committee include:

  1. That they can call anyone related to their duties.
  2. Advising and monitoring the country’s trade policy.
  3. Advising and Planning Industrial Development Policy. ‎
  4. Observing the Laws for the Protection of Private Rights of Business ‎‎(Patent ‎rights).
  5. Monitoring all activities of Financial Institutions the government
  1. Observing the laws of imported business quality control and industrial production quality (quality control laws). ‎
  2. Advising on Industrial Policy. ‎
  3. Advising on Communications Policy. ‎
  4. Advising on Tourism policy.
  5. To submit a written report every two months to the Upper House.
  6. Every communication that the Committee makes with any direction of work related must be in writing.

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Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa matala Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka, isagoo leh awood sharci-dejin, ilaalinta nidaamka federaalka, iyo dabagalka howlaha dowladda, sida ku cad Dastuurka KMG ah.

 Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia

Sabti – Khamiis: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Golaha Aqalka Sare Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya© 2024