Committtee for National Resourses, Infrustructure and Transportation

The duties of the Committee include:

  1. That they can call anyone related to their duties.
  2. Processing and advising on laws related to their duties and responsibilities including: ‎
  3. Agricultural crops. ‎
  4. Revival of the Earth. ‎
  5. Irrigation. ‎
  6. Fishing. ‎
  7. Conservation of marine life. ‎
  8. Preventing Illegal Fishing. ‎
  9. Review of Fisheries Laws. ‎
  10. Livestock. ‎
  11. Establishing laws related to the development, care and breeding of animals. ‎
  12. Processing and optimization of livestock production. ‎
  13. Production, Development and Maintenance of Livestock Fodder. ‎
  14. Development of livestock business. ‎
  15. Development of research related to animal science. ‎
  16. Animal health promotion. ‎
  17. Protecting the environment, sea, land and space. ‎
  18. Wildlife Conservation. ‎
  19. Establishing laws related to the use of natural resources. ‎
  20. Review and monitoring of Laws related to resources such as: Oil, Minerals and Water. ‎
  21. Road construction and maintenance, ‎
  22. Government buildings. ‎
  23. Construction of Airports and Ports. ‎
  24. Various types of vehicles. ‎
  25. Energy (Electricity, Solar, Water, Oil, Wind, etc.).
  26. To submit a written report every two months to the Upper House.
  27. Every communication that the Committee makes with any direction of work must be in writing. 

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Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa matala Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka, isagoo leh awood sharci-dejin, ilaalinta nidaamka federaalka, iyo dabagalka howlaha dowladda, sida ku cad Dastuurka KMG ah.

 Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia

Sabti – Khamiis: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Golaha Aqalka Sare Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya© 2024