Committee for Foreign Affairs ,International cooperation, Planning , Investment and Economic Development

The duties of the Committee include:

  1. That they can call anyone related to their duties.
  2. Processing and reviewing the Laws mentioned in their work and their duties including:‎
  3. International Relations. ‎
  4. International Agreements and Conventions. ‎
  5. ‎Foreign Affairs and Consulates.
  6. Refugees living abroad. ‎
  7. Monitoring the relationship between education and economic culture that we have with other countries and International organizations.
  8. Monitoring information of national development of the country. ‎
  9. Reviewing the grants given to the country and if it’s distributed fairly to the Federal Member States that are members of the Somali Federal Government
  10. Ensuring and harmonizing the National plan & development programs of the country. ‎
  11. Implementation of attracting domestic and foreign investors using special laws that facilitate investment in the country. ‎
  12. To submit a written report every two months to the Upper House.
  13. Every communication that the Committee makes with any direction of work must be in writing. 

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Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa matala Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka, isagoo leh awood sharci-dejin, ilaalinta nidaamka federaalka, iyo dabagalka howlaha dowladda, sida ku cad Dastuurka KMG ah.

 Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia

Sabti – Khamiis: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Golaha Aqalka Sare Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya© 2024