1)To invite anyone related to their duties
2) This committee should have legal advisors
3) Within sixty (60) days after the establishment of this Committee in the first session, time shall be allocated for consideration of the rule of procedures as proposed by this Committee.
4) Within thirty (30) days of the beginning of each Session of the Upper House, this Committee discusses the Amendment Initiative of the Law and submits its recommendation to the Upper House for approval.
5) This committee considers matters related to the immunity of members and forwards any recommendations to the Upper House.
6) This committee makes recommendations on issues related to the loss of membership in the Upper House as stated in Article 59 of the Provisional Constitution.
7) This committee advises on issues related to disciplinary measures taken against a member of the Upper House for reasons including misconduct or violation of the rule of procedures of the Upper House.
8) This committee proposes administrative measures to strengthen the behavior and discipline of the members
9) To submit a written report every two months to the Upper House.
10) Every communication that the Committee is making in any direction of work related activities should be in writing.)
Shibis, KM-0 Mogadishu Somalia
Sabti – Khamiis: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm